Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's been HOW LONG?

I went to the makeup tutorial and was somewhat not impressed. In my opinion, I felt it was poorly organized and the student coordinators were unprofessional. They did have a raffle, it was Philosophy FULL SIZED goodies - a bunch of them. The ticket that won was ONE NUMBER before mine. I was bummed. :

However, here are the freebies that were passed out: a sample Philosophy's Pure Grace, a sample of Philosophy's Purity, and Estee Lauder's Hydra Bright Skin Tone Perfecting Moisturizer. There was another option to the Estee Lauder for dry skin, but since I have patchy skin I went with Hydra Bright.

I was bored one weekend night and there was nothing to do, I decided to play around with some makeup. I re-created or inspired by RissRose2's Smokey Purple Eye and decided to see what I could do.

This was taken with the boyfriend's camera. I'll upload some pics that came out crappy with my camera, too. I improvised with the stuff I had. I didn't have MAC Rule, so I used something similar to it from my Coastal Scents palette.

Make Up Used:

MAC Studio Tech NC43
MAC Blot Powder "Dark"
Evian Facial Mist
UD Mayhem
UD Last Call
Coastal Scents "D2"
Coastal Scents "A10"
MAC Blacktrack Fluidline
MAC Engraved Powerpoint Eyeliner
CoverGirl Volume Exact
MAC Sunbasque Blush
MAC Wildly Lush Plushglass


Janelle said...

Aww too bad the event wasn't all that. But yay for free stuff!

I love the FOTD!

vietxpinay. said...

hey, i think i saw you...yesterday? or maybe it was monday? walking into temple - but my slow ass reflexes didn't recognize you until after i passed you ahahahaha. anyway, i'm gonna add you to my blogroll, girlfriend! and dang, i didn't catch your comment response about the LANCOME thang at school =/ i'm like, hmm, she aint responding! lmao - but now i know you respond on YOUR BLOG =P oh well, i'll catch it next time - haha. and your makeup looked good!! =)

Vanessa said...

lovely look!